Replay: How to keep companies in Europe?

How to make Europe more attractive for SMEs looking to go public

Question submission is closed





10:00 - 11:30 CET

10:00 - 10:05

Opening remarks

Petr Koblic

President, FESE


Petr Koblic began his career in investment banking in 1993. He served at middle management level and later top management level in number of domestic and international investment banks.

Peter was elected Chairman and CEO of Prague Stock Exchange in September 2004. He is also Chairman of the Central Securities Depository Prague and Power Exchange Central Europe. At group level he is Member of the Board of Vienna Stock Exchange. In 2018, Peter was elected President of FESE, and in 2019, was selected as a member of the High Level Forum on the Capital Markets Union.

During his career, Petr has also been a member of the Board of the Czech Broker Dealer Association, President of Ljubljana Stock Exchange, Member of the Board of Budapest Stock Exchange, and Chairman of the Czech Investor Compensation Fund.

10:05 - 10:25

Keynote speech

Tatyana Panova

Head of Unit - Capital Markets Union, DG FISMA, European Commission


Tatyana Panova is the Head of the Capital Markets Union Unit in DG FISMA. Prior to this, Tatyana headed another unit in DG FISMA and served in the private office of Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis where she was responsible for Capital Markets Union, securities markets, asset management, insurance, free movement of capital and competition. Before joining the Cabinet, Tatyana was a Deputy Head of the Securities Unit in DG FISMA.

In her previous jobs, Tatyana coordinated the preparation of ECOFIN, COREPER II and Economic and Financial Committee in DG MARKT and managed aviation anti-trust cases in DG COMP.

Tatyana is a trained economist with specialisation in financial services.

10:25 - 11:25

Panel discussion

An opportunity to bring together a wider range of stakeholders to re-emphasise the importance and benefits of SMEs listing on public markets as part of a wider discussion about making Europe more attractive for companies looking to go public. To ensure the success of CMU, it is key to boost the development of smaller capital markets where most companies are SMEs, and the investment gap remains strong. The CMU Action Plan includes action to support access to public markets for SMEs by, for example, simplifying listing rules. Furthermore, the final Report of the Technical Expert Stakeholder Group (TESG) on SMEs provides insightful recommendations to policymakers on key initiatives to favour access to capital market for European SMEs.


Jesús González Nieto-Márquez

Head of BME Growth, BME


Mr. González is the Head of BME GROWTH (The SME Market of BME), where 130 companies are traded, with a total 15 billion € market cap. He is also Managing Director of Latibex, the Latin American securities market in Euros, with 25 of the largest companies in Latin America listed. He started his career in Bolsa de Madrid settlement department and has been working for the equity markets for more than 30 years.

He forms part of the Technical Expert Stakeholder Group on SMEs of the European Commission and of the Listing Experts Task force of European Federation of Exchanges. Also, he is a member of the Spanish Institute of Financial Analysts.

Mr. González is a regular collaborator in postgraduate finance courses organized by Universities and other teaching centres. He has a double degree in Law and Business Administration by ICADE (E3) in Comillas Pontifical University.

Mirosław Kachniewski

Chairman, SEG


Before joining SEG, Mirosław was employed at Polish Securities and Exchange Commission, where his main duties were focused on the coordination of international cooperation, analyses, as well as information and education policies. Earlier as an advisor to the Minister of Privatization, he was responsible for negotiations of Poland’s membership in the OECD in the field of foreign direct investment.

A former employee of the Warsaw School of Economics (International Finance Department), and a graduate of the Foreign Trade Faculty of this school, he has authored many economic publications relating mostly to functioning of capital markets, liberalization of capital movements, transborder financial services, and the integration of EU financial markets.

A Board Member of EuropeanIssuers, Mirosław previously served many important duties at the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO).

Barbara Lunghi

Head of Primary Markets, Borsa Italiana


Barbara Lunghi is responsible for the development and management of the equity primary markets organized and managed by Borsa Italiana. Her team main objective is to raise the awareness of Italian companies and market stakeholders on the opportunities offered by the access to public markets and concretely support private companies in taking informed decisions.

She joined Borsa Italiana in 2001 and contributed to the launch of STAR (now Euronext STAR Milan), the segment of Borsa Italiana’s regulated equity market (Euronext Milan) dedicated to mid&small caps committed to comply to global investor standards.

In 2008, after the merger between Borsa Italiana and the London Stock Exchange Group, Barbara coordinated the project that led to the implementation and the successive development of AIM Italia (now Euronext Growth Milan), the Italian Growth Market dedicated to ambitions SMEs, adopting a balanced regulatory approach.

In 2012 she was among the founders of ELITE in Italy, now evolved in the private market connecting private companies with diverse sources of capital to drive their growth.

Tatyana Panova

Head of Unit - Capital Markets Union, DG FISMA, European Commission


Tatyana Panova is the Head of the Capital Markets Union Unit in DG FISMA. Prior to this, Tatyana headed another unit in DG FISMA and served in the private office of Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis where she was responsible for Capital Markets Union, securities markets, asset management, insurance, free movement of capital and competition. Before joining the Cabinet, Tatyana was a Deputy Head of the Securities Unit in DG FISMA.

In her previous jobs, Tatyana coordinated the preparation of ECOFIN, COREPER II and Economic and Financial Committee in DG MARKT and managed aviation anti-trust cases in DG COMP.

Tatyana is a trained economist with specialisation in financial services.


Florence Bindelle

Secretary General, EuropeanIssuers


Ms Florence Bindelle is the Secretary General of EuropeanIssuers, the European Association serving quoted companies since 5 years. She is also the Vice President of the Federation of European and International Associations (FAIB).

She gained her know-how from her work at the Federation of European Risk Management Associations (FERMA), where she was responsible for the management of relations with the European Commission and other European organisations, as well as communication and the organisation of events. Previously, she worked in the Brussels office of Mapfre Re on liability portfolio management and treaty analysis.

She holds a degree in law, an executive MBA and a post-graduate degree in law and economics as well as a certificate in risk management.

Rainer Riess

Director General, FESE


Rainer Riess is Director General of the Federation of European Securities Exchanges (FESE) and an independent advisor to exchanges and financial services companies with more than 30 years of experience in the global exchange industry. He is also Vice Chair of the Securities and Markets Stakeholder Group (SMSG) which provides ESMA with opinions and advice on its policy work.

For many years, he served as Vice Chairman of the Board of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and was responsible for the cash market business of Deutsche Börse AG. During his career at Deutsche Börse, he created and managed markets, drove changes in European corporate governance and accounting practice, financial market regulation and supervision of market player. Major initiatives include running the cash market in a competitive MiFiD environment and financial market crises, the creation of DTB Deutsche Terminbörse / Eurex, developing European primary markets (Neuer Markt, indices, corporate governance and regulation), the launch of the Xetra electronic trading system and the CCP as well as the creation of the European ETF and structured products markets.

He holds a Master in Economics from Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt and an MBA from the University of Miami (Fulbright Scholar).

11:25 - 11:30

Closing address

Luc Vansteenkiste

Chairman, EuropeanIssuers


Luc Vansteenkiste is the Chairman of EuropeanIssuers. He holds a Master in Chemical Engineering from the University of Louvain. He established his career with Recticel, where he became CEO in 1991 and later Vice President in 2010.

In addition to serving as Chairman of the Employer’s Federation of Belgium (FEB) from 2002 to 2005, he is currently President of Lannoo. Luc Vansteenkiste also has been the Chairman of Sioen, Smartphoto, Telindus and was member of the board of Delhaize, BNPP-F, Ter Beke, Bois Sauvage, CBR and BATC. He is currently member of the Board of SVK.

Active in the economic reconversion Marshall Plan of the Walloon Region, his main focus is the promotion of entrepreneurship and job creation, which is why he endorses a stable and balanced regulatory framework.